Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Photo of Suzie-cue
25/03/2009 10:13:29
Re:Mad as has hatter Hindu wants to be creamated on Pyre!!!!!!!!!!!

The smell of a human burning stays with you forever

Powmack (7 months ago) Show Hide
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fuck you your fag!

pacogpimp (1 month ago) Show Hide

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those r gay ass bulls put the croc in a bull arena with a spaniard fighting bull then we could rate them
josephayal (4 minutes ago) Show Hide

hi, i sniff hot chiks dirty panties and u didin't
abcd21690 (1 month ago) Show Hide

If the royals killed Diana, can someone tell me why Sarah Ferguson is still alive? Fergie was had been more capable of mischiefs than Diana...
junarbolado (3 months ago) Show Hide

this is funny ever hahaha!!!!!! im scared

lolomaris (5 days ago)

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joey07085 (3 days ago)

Show Hide -1 Marked as spam Reply There really are some morons out there who think a grizzly stands a remote chance against a tiger? HAHA! There is footage of tigers killing Grizzlies and there is documented evidence in areas of northeastern Siberia where Siberian tigers have KILLED and eaten Grizzly bears. Semi-retarded bear advocates are oblivious to how slow bears would be versus a large muscular powerful cat. Bear lovers, look what a group of WOLVES did to a slow fat Grizzly - search it on YouTube. Tigers are SUPERIOR to all

RUSSIAN12345678910 (4 days ago)

Show Hide 0 Marked as spam Reply nice vid go bear now look the bear is smart as hell he waited for the dear to make a mistake slowly moved in closed not attackin but waitin go bear!!!!!!!!

Deathguy72 (6 hours ago)

Show Hide 0 Marked as spam Reply bear would of won hands down because he has better reflexes then a caribu

PakiSoldier31 (6 months ago)

I think the giraffes are homosexual?

HakuGotStoned (9 months ago)

omg this is the fkin funniest animal move i've ever seen ROFLMAO XD!!! How the fight and how it sonds... paff paff paaaaafff bam bam! Human try to protect their head in a fight, but they use it to fight (shore, its the only way they can)

tinydanny2 (9 months ago)

lol the looked retarded

FVBB666 (9 months ago)

i used 2 hav a pet giraffe but we live in the city n 1 day it lft our apartmnt and was pikd up by the rspca because it was wanderin around the city n almost got hit by a car. bu mi giraffe didn do stuf lyk this...